
Maharshi Dayanand Public Schoole

Is always adapting to the needs of our children and we strive to give them the best that we can. Each classroom if fully equipped with the necessities for learning, a computer (2 in some rooms), a class library and chairs and tables to fit the need and age of the children in that room.

  • Throughout the school there is a range of equipment and facilities available. We have  laptops for web browsing.
  • Our school hall is multi-functional and is used for indoor P.E and has recently had new climbing bars and ropes installed and fold able tables for lunchtimes.
  • Our Library is in the process of regeneration at present but is still accessible to the children whilst the revamp takes place.
  • We have a vegetable garden at the rear which is used to grow and sell produce in the spring/summer months.
  • We have recently had a new kitchen and music room installed for the children to use and get creative!